Plotnikova E.G. Ariskina E.V. Yastrebova O.V. Potekhina N.V. AvtukhA.N. Tarlachkov S.V. Starodumova I.P. · Dorofeeva L.V. Evtushenko L.I. Proposal of Crystallibacter gen. nov., Crystallibacter permensis sp. nov. and Crystallibacter degradans sp. nov. for the salt-tolerant and aromatics degrading actinobacteria, and reclassification of Arthrobacter crystallopoietes as Crystallibacter crystallifaciens comb. nov. // Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2025. V. 118. Art. 40.
Gorbunova T.I. Egorova D.O. Saloutin V.I. Chupakhin O.N. Aerobic bacterial degradation of polychlorinated biphenyls and their hydroxy and methoxy derivatives // Russ. Chem. Rev.. 2024. V. 93. N 11. Art. RCR5138. Full text>>
Egorova D.O. Bjorn O. Kir’yanova T.D. Plotnikova E.G. An assessment of the degradation potential and genomic insights towards hydroxylated biphenyls by Rhodococcus opacus strain KT112-7 // Current Genomics. 2024. V. 25. I. 6. Art. e13892029319746. Full text>>
Nazarov A.V. Pyankova A.A. Korsakova E.S. Plotnikova E.G. Degradation of diesel fuel by Dietzia sp. NDT 10 in saline conditions // Biological Communications. 2024. V. 69. P. 59–68. Full text>>
Belkin Р. Nechaeva Yu.I. Blinov S. Vaganov S. Perevoshchikov R. Plotnikova E.G. Sediment microbial communities of a technogenic saline-alkaline reservoir // Heliyon. 2024. V. 10. Art. e33640. Full text>>
Nazarov A.V. Nechaeva Yu.I. Korsakova E.S. Pyankova A.A. Plotnikova E.G. Soil bacterial communities in the affected zone of salt dump (Solikamsk, Perm krai) // Eurasian Soil Science. 2024. V. 57, N 8. P. 1353–1361. Full text>>
Kir’yanova T.D. Egorova D.O. Gorbunova T.I. Pervova M.G. Bacterial degradation of PCB 70 and its hydroxy derivatives is an environmentally friendly way to destroy POPs // BIO Web of Conferences. 2023. V. 57. Art. 09002. Full text>>
Ananjina L.N. Plotnikova E.G. Halophilic bacteria as a promising basis of biopreparations for improving the growth of autochthonous strains-destructors in salinization conditions // BIO Web of Conferences. 2023. V. 57. Art. 09003. Full text>>
Korsakova E.S. Pyankova A.A. Bachurin B.A. Plotnikova E.G. New data on the phylogenetic diversity of Bacteria and Archaea in marls of the Verkhnekamsk salt deposit (Russia) // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, 2023. V. 622. P. 507-520. Full text>>
Emelyanova E.V. Ramanaiah S.V. Prisyazhnaya N.V. Shumkova E.S. Plotnikova E.G. Wu Y. Solyanikova I.P. The contribution of actinobacteria to the degradation of chlorinated compounds: Variations in the activity of key degradation enzymes // Microorganisms. 2023. V. 11. Art. 141. Full text>>
Semerikova D.S. Egorova D.O. Demakov V.A. A new strain of the genus Bacillus, perspective for biodegradation of biphenyl and its derivatives // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2022. V. 2390. P. 030077. Full text>>
Ananjina L.N. Kosheleva I.A. Plotnikova E.G. Bacterial consortium as a model for studying the response of the microbial community of the Verkhnekamsk salt mining region to combined pollution // Theoretical and applied ecology. 2022. № 2. P. 116-123. Full text>>
Gorbunova T.I. Egorova D.O. Pervova M.G. Kir’yanova T.D. Plotnikova E.G. Degradability of commercial mixtures of polychlorobiphenyls by three Rhodococcus-strains // Archives of Microbiology. 2022. V. 204. P. 534. Full text>>
Shumilovskih V.V. Egorova D.O. Demakov V.A. Disposal of conservant – benzoic acid by a novel biotechnological method based on aerobic bacterial strains // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2022. V. 2390. P. 030091. Full text>>
Nazarova E.A. Egorova D.O. Nazarov A.V. Ananjina L.N. Influence of destructiv bacteria and red clover (trifolium pratense L.) on the pesticides degradation in the soil // Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2022. V. 44. P. 399–408. Full text>>
Egorova D.O. Gorbunova T.I. Pervova M.G. Demakov V.A. Method for degradation of hydroxyl- and methoxy-polychlorobiphenyls by immobilized bacterial cells // AIP Conference Proceedings. 2022. V. 2390. P. 030016. Full text>>
Egorova D.O. Pyankova A.A. Shestakova E.A. Demakov V.A. Levin L. Maltsev S. Isaevich A. Grishin E. Kormshchikov D. Risk assessment of change in respiratory gas concentrations by native culturable bacteria in the air of sulfide ore mines // Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2022. V. 44(6). P. 1751-1765. Full text>>
Gorbunova T.I. Egorova D.O. Pervova M.G. Saloutin V.I. Kir’yanova T.D. Demakov V.A. Chupakhin O.N. Biodegradation of trichlorobiphenyls and their hydroxylated derivatives by Rhodococcus-strains // Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021. V. 409. P. 124471. Full text>>
Buzmakov S.A. Ivshina I.B. Egorova D.O. Khotyanovskaya Y.V. Andreev D.N. Nazarov A.V. Dziuba E.A. Shestakov I.E. Kuyukina M.S. Elkin A.A. Ecological criteria for assessing the content of petroleum hydrocarbons in the main soils of coniferous-deciduous forests and forest-steppe // Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2021. 63(1). P. 1−20. DOI: 10.1007/s10653-021-00998-9. Full text>>
Nazarova E.A. Egorova D.O. Ananjina L.N. Korsakova E.S. Plotnikova E.G. New associations of aerobic bacteria that actively decompose lindane // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. 2021. V. 57. N. 5. P. 643–655.